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Velocity if statement

19 Mar 15 - 19:24

Velocity if statement

Download Velocity if statement

Download Velocity if statement

Date added: 20.03.2015
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[script to execute when if condition is true] [ #elseif([condition]) [script to execute when elseif condition is true] ]* [ #else [script to execute if no conditions are true] ]

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velocity statement if

Jan 28, 2014 - During my searching, I would like your help on this problem : I have this code #set($infos=$tracker.getTrackingInfos("$query.reference. Jul 13, 2009 - If you had lots of assignments like this maybe you could look at defining your own velocimacro to try and avoid repeating the if else. Jump to If-Else Statements - Conditionals. If / ElseIf / Else. The #if directive in Velocity allows for text to be included when the web page is?About this Guide -?What is Velocity? -?What can Velocity do for me?If and elseif : If « Velocity « Java - › Java › Velocity › IfCachedSimilarIf and elseif : If « Velocity « Java. import </h2> #elseif ($userType == "Type 3") <h2>You are an Type 3!</h2> #else

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Feb 15, 2011 - In pure Java, I could do this: value = (a > b) ? a : b;. Whereas in Velocity, the long form would be: #if($a > $b) #set($value = $a) #else If Else and End : If « Velocity « Java. import #if ($userType == "VIP") <h2>You are a VIP!</h2> #else <h2>You are not a Oct 6, 2010 - #if (some condition) ## Do something #elseif ## Do something else I don't know Velocity, but normally elseif is used with a second condition. Jun 13, 2011 - RE: problems with if-else in velocity. Liferay Portal and additional project community forums. Ask questions, search for answers, contribute to Jul 11, 2012 - Writing conditional statement in Velocity Markup Fail. Liferay In my browser, I receive this error if I start my code change with an if statement:.

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